Monday, June 11, 2012

VBS Day 1 06112012

Day 1 of our Marketplace is currently taking place as I write. As anyone familar with VBS knows that day 1 is usually a controlled chaos!!! Registering children, getting them to the right place and of course there are the last minute details that need to be addressed. However you can feel the excitment bouncing off the walls as the children find their designated tribe for the week.

Marketplace VBS is different from other VBS's in that children are assigned one of the 12 tribes from Old Testament times. They remain in these tribes as they travel to music and storytime. The marketplace is set up with tents for the different crafts that the children can choose from. Some of the variety of tents are: stained glass, bakery, tie dye, the frame shop, etc. While children are mastering their craft an ongoing drama is going on in the background with Roman soldiers browsing through the stores, tax collectors coming in to demand payment and a beggar pleading for alms as the children pass by him.

The overall theme is "Jesus the Lamb of God" based on 1 Corinthians 5:7. As the week progresses the children will learn about how the Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt and how Passover played an important part not only in their freedom but also our's as well. Today's story is based on Exodus 1-2 introducing Moses as one of the pivotal characters in the story. Also they will be introduced to the concept of sin and an explaination that we are all slaves to sin.

So our question today is, "What in your life do you feel makes you a slave?" Post your thoughts!

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