Thursday, June 14, 2012

VBS Day 3 06132012

Today marks the halfway point in our VBS. Workers still have their energy and the students are beginning to settle into the routine that has been established. Two things about God will be presented throughout today's VBS- His Power and Plan.

God's power is demonstrated through the story of the plagues found in Exodus 7-10. Here's a brief recap of that story. In order to free the Israelites from their bondage, God sent 10 plagues to prove His power over the Egyptian gods with Pharoah being at the top of the list. Plague after plague, Pharoah's heart was hardened to the fact of letting the people go. Today the students learned of the first 9 plagues that were sent. On day 4 they will learn of the last and most deadly plague.

God's plan was revealed through Jesus Christ centering in on the second half of John 3:16, "...that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." God's love doesn't want us to continually abide in sin. His desire is for us to experience freedom to the fullest. That's why Jesus entered into the plan. By ourselves, we could never be totally free from our sin. Let me see if I can explain this through an illustration.

I have just come into my house from working out in my yard. I'm hot and for some reason, I am encrusted with dirt that seems to be a permanant part of my body. I step inside the shower thinking that this will get all the dirt off. No matter how many times I shower - it's still there. You see sin is the same way! No matter how much we try to do on our own it will never be good enough to have a permanent relationship with God. If we want to be free from the sin that is in our life, we have to believe the gospel of Jesus.

Have you accepted His plan for your life? If so, post a comment about what He has or is doing in your life. If you need further help in determining His plan for your life contact us through our church website at

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